NGO Definition and Role: What They Really Do

what is an ngo what is an ngo

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are essential components of today’s society, stepping in where governments and private sectors may fall short. They significantly contribute to social change, community growth, and encourage active participation in civic life.

This article will look at the diverse roles NGOs play and provide guidance on how to locate them in your local area.

What is an NGO?

Non-governmental organizations, often referred to as NGOs, emerged as a concept in 1945 with the United Nations Charter. By definition, these entities operate independently from government influence and do not aim to make a profit. While they can receive government funding, their independence remains a key characteristic.

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The line between NGOs and nonprofit organizations (NPOs) is often blurred. Unlike NPOs, the term “NGO” generally applies to organizations functioning at an international level. Although, in some nations, local civil society groups are also classified as NGOs. Essentially, NGOs are pivotal in addressing global issues and fostering societal development.

What Is the Role of an NGO in Society?

Grassroots Engagement

NGOs play a vital part in empowering communities from the ground up. They equip people with the knowledge and tools needed to advocate for their rights and interests.

This grassroots mobilization ensures the voices of the marginalized and underrepresented are heard, promoting a society that values diversity and inclusivity.

Crisis Intervention

During emergencies such as natural disasters or conflicts, NGOs are often first responders, delivering humanitarian assistance. They provide essential services like food, shelter, medical care, and psychological support to those affected.

Due to their agility, NGOs can often offer aid more quickly and efficiently than larger, bureaucratic institutions.

Community Advancement and Empowerment

NGOs are key players in community development initiatives aimed at improving quality of life. These initiatives can include building educational institutions, upgrading healthcare facilities, or providing vocational training to enhance employment opportunities.

By focusing on empowerment, NGOs help communities achieve long-term sustainability and self-reliance.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

NGOs are instrumental in pushing forward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals aim to tackle global issues like poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace.

NGOs often design their projects to align with these goals, contributing to a global effort towards sustainable development.

Learning and Capacity Building

A cornerstone of NGO activities is education. Many organizations focus on providing educational opportunities to both children and adults, aiming to reduce illiteracy rates and equip individuals with the skills needed for societal participation.

Through capacity-building workshops, NGOs also enhance the capabilities of other civil society organizations, boosting their impact and operational efficiency.

How to Locate an NGO in Your Vicinity

Starting Your Search for a Nonprofit

To begin, hop onto Candid’s nonprofit search platform. From here, you can discover NGOs by inputting their name, location, field of work, or various other criteria.

The search tool is equipped with filters that let you narrow down your search by factors such as organization size, revenue, and geographic location.

Simple steps to kick-off your search:

  • Visit Candid’s nonprofit search portal.
  • Enter relevant search terms in the search bar.
  • Hit the search button.
  • Utilize filters to fine-tune your search outcomes.

Narrowing Down Your NGO Search with Filters

Candid’s search feature also includes a range of filters for more precise search results. These filters allow you to limit your findings by specifics like size, revenue, and location of the NGO.

Here’s a guide on how to use these filters:

  • Start your search and find the ‘Filter’ option.
  • Click to see available filters.
  • Choose filters that fit your criteria.
  • Apply them to get more tailored search results.

Evaluating Candid’s Nonprofit Profiles for Smart Decisions

Once your search results have been refined, the next step is to delve into the detailed profiles available on Candid.

Each profile contains critical information about the NGO, including its mission, programs, financial data, and leadership details.

This information can be invaluable whether you’re looking to donate, partner, or simply research an NGO.

Key details to look for in a nonprofit profile:

  • Mission Statements: Understand the purpose and goals of the organization.
  • Program Descriptions: Get insights into the activities and initiatives they undertake.
  • Financial Information: Review their financial health and transparency.
  • Leadership Details: Learn about the people driving the organization.


Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are pivotal in various societal realms. They serve as drivers of social transformation, humanitarian relief providers, and community developers.

By advocating for human rights and welfare, NGOs play a critical role in crafting an informed, empowered, and just society.

Their contributions are evident through the positive changes experienced by innumerable individuals globally. Whether offering aid after disasters or pushing for policy reforms, these organizations stand as crucial entities in the continuous effort to foster a better future for all.

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